When clearing my garden a few weeks ago to make way for the planting of cool season vegetables and lettuces, I wrestled with a decision to clear away the eggplant plant or not. Here was the situation. The plant was quite large and could make way for some additional cabbage or broccoli plants. However, it was choc-a-bloc with purple blossoms suggesting I just might get one or two more eggplants this season. Given that we were experiencing a toasty October, I opted to leave the plant in and see what developed.
It turned out to be a good decision because today I found some tiny eggplants growing.
I struggled with this in September over my last tomato plant. It got a stay and has ripened the one fruit it had on it at the time and put out more flowers and--now--fruit. It's a race to the even cooler weather, but I hope to get at least a couple more fruits as the season begins to favor the cooler crops. Good luck on your final eggplants--They'll be all the more delicious because it'll be the last crop of the season!
I too am wrestling with the thought over my tomato plants. They keep growing taller and are still producing flowers. I am experimenting and sowed warm season crop seeds last weekend. If it’s at the farmer’s market why can’t we still grow it in our garden? We’ll see!
Interestingly enough, Sunset magazine had an idea about prolonging the season. They suggested that plastic wrap be wrapped around a wire tomato cage to create a temporary greenhouse. I think they put something on the top to hold in the heat at night. Unfortunately, I found this idea after I removed the tomato plants from the garden. Maybe next year.
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