Monday, April 25, 2011

Brussels Sprouts Update

Here is a photo update of the Brussels Sprout plant growing in the garden.  You can see the tiny sprouts growing at the junction of leaf to stalk. 

While I am happy to be trying this new vegetable, fair warning they are an aphid magnet.  I already culled two plants which were to infested to keep.  Currently of the four remaining plants, two have had a small infestation and I am removing the leaves and hoping for the best.


Anonymous said...

Wow, they are looking so good!

HolleyGarden said...

Thanks so much for this close-up picture. I am growing brussels sprouts for the first time this year, and didn't know what to expect!

earlysnowdrop said...

@ Alexis: Thanks!

@ Holly: I know. I wasn't sure what to expect either. Pretty cool. Can't wait until harvest.

Julie said...

Just spray those aphids down with a weak soapy water solution...they die immediately! I use a spray bottle with just 1-2 drops of dish soap!

earlysnowdrop said...

Thanks for the advise, Julie. I'll try it next time I have a problem with aphids.

Julie said...

Hey will be amazed...they just die instantly...truely amazing. I get a lot of aphids on my okra too...have to spray them every 2 weeks or so when they come around...they seem to have "seasons" when they are more prevalent. They also sell the pre-made ECO soap solutions you can buy but it can get expensive, and that's when I tried mixing up my own. Be sure to spray under the leaves, where they like to hang out! I try to use the weakest soap solution possible...sometimes the easiest way is to take a bucket and fill it with water, and add a little soap, (or you can leave a bar of ivory soap in bucket to melt a little), and make a really good solution, and then just take your hands and spash the solution all over the underside of leaves...messier, but it is fast. I don't recommend adding any oil as it causes things to burn in the sun. This is my experience...hope it helps!


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